Peak experience
Adembenemend! Gelukkig beleef je piekervaringen niet alleen op de top van een berg. Wat een piekervaring is, werd als eerst beschreven door psycholoog Abraham Maslow:
According to Maslow, often-reported emotions in a peak experience include “wonder, awe, reverence, humility, surrender, and even worship before the greatness of the experience”.
An individual in a peak experience will perceive the following simultaneously:
– loss of judgment to time and space;
– the feeling of being one whole and harmonious self, free of dissociation or inner conflict;
– the feeling of using all capacities and capabilities at their highest potential, or being “fully functioning”;
– functioning effortlessly and easily without strain or struggle;
– feeling completely responsible for perceptions and behavior. Use of self-determination to becoming stronger, more single-minded, and fully volitional
being without inhibition, fear, doubt, and self-criticism;
– spontaneity, expressiveness, and naturally flowing behavior that is not constrained by conformity;
– a free mind that is flexible and open to creative thoughts and ideas;
– complete mindfulness of the present moment without influence of past or expected future experiences;
– a physical feeling of warmth, along with a sensation of pleasant vibrations emanating from the heart area outward into the limbs.
- Abraham Maslow: ‘Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences’
- Wikipedia
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